
Dinky CMS is a Java Spring Boot Content Management Microservice. It is REST API first.

This project is maintained by schicwp


Working With Content

To work with content using the REST api, there are two overall functions:

  1. Submit content as a ContentSubmission
  2. Read content as a ContentResponse

Content Submissions

Content is submitted by HTTP POST to the following endpoint:


The object submitted to this endpoint should be a ContentSubmission object.

It should have the following fields:

name type description notes
id string the id of the content if already exists if present, indicates an update to a document, absent for new ones
type string the content type required
workflow string the name of the workflow required if the type has more than one workflow
action string the name of the workflow action optional
version int the current version of the document if present, will check version (see optimistic locking)
workflowConfig map the per action workflow config, used by hooks per hook configuration
content map the content to be submitted defined by content type

Example Submission

    "id": "3e8b17a3-2c5c-4ab3-8ad6-12cf4c5839b8",
        "color": "red"	

Submissions without a workflow action

If a submission is made without a workflow action, then the content will only be updated, but the state and all metadata will remain the same.

Optimistic Locking

Users can optionally use optimistic locking to prevent versioning conflicts.

This can be useful if there are any non-idempotent side effects (in an export ActionHook, for example).

To use the locking, the user should provide a version property on submission. This will be compared to the latest stored version, and rejected if they do not match. The version property is incremented on every modification.

If the version is not provided, the locking mechanism will be ignored, and the submission will be accepted unconditionally.

Submission Response

The response to a successful submission will return the modified content with all data and metadata updated.

Content Responses

A ContentResponse object will be provided any time content is read, including:

The ContentResponse contains the following fields:

name type description notes
id string id of content  
version int current version of this content  
created date the date that the content was first created  
modified date date content was last modified (version created)  
workflow string the name of the workflow the content is in  
state string the workflow state of the content  
owner string the owner of the content  
assignedUser string the assigned user of the content defaults to null; null indicates no assignedUser
assignedGroup string the assigned group of the content defaults to null; null indicates no assignedGroup
searchVersions map a map of versions which are in search indexes see the search page for details
permissions map the current permissions for the content  
content map the content  


    "id": "3e8b17a3-2c5c-4ab3-8ad6-12cf4c5839b8",
    "version": 3,
    "created": "2019-02-11T01:14:42.913+0000",
    "modified": "2019-02-11T16:54:34.356+0000",
    "workflow": "JellyBeanWorkflow",
    "state": "InBag",
    "type": "JellyBean",
    "owner": "joe",
    "assignedUser": "jerry",
    "assignedGroup": null,
    "searchVersions": {},
    "permissions": {
        "owner": {
            "read": true,
            "write": true
        "assignee": {
            "read": true,
            "write": true
        "other": {
            "read": false,
            "write": false
        "group": {}
        "color": "red"	

Content Queries

TODO more detail

Search Queries

Search queries also return lists of content, but are backed by the elasticsearch indices.

See the search page for more details.

Version History

Every modification to a piece of content is saved.

These versions can be retrieved by using the endpoint:

GET /api/v1/content/item/{id}/history

This will give a paginated list of all versions. The permissions for the current version will determine access to the history.

Content Permissions

Permissions control who can access or modify a document, or who can execute a certain workflow action.

TODO - more detail.

Binary Data (Images, Attachments)

Binary data can be handled by using a Binary field type on a ContentType.

This can then be uploaded via a Multipart submission (TODO, details)

GET /api/v1/assets/{assetId}

The binary asset will have the same permissions as the object that owns it.

TODO -more detail
