
Dinky CMS is a Java Spring Boot Content Management Microservice. It is REST API first.

This project is maintained by schicwp



The search accomplishes two main goals:

Adding and removing items from a search index

Content is added to a specific search index by using the AddToSearch action hook.

Items can be removed from an index using the RemoveFromSearch action hook.

Search API

This can be done via the search endpoint, using the q parameter:

GET /api/v1/search/myindex?q=content.color:red

GET /api/v1/search/myindex?q=content.color:red AND content.flavor:cinnamon

This uses elasticsearch query string syntax.

Search API vs Content API

The content api (/api/v1/content) is served by the mongoDB hosting content. This allows for simple searching, and includes some indexing, but is best used when looking at content metadata fields (eg, the state, type, owner etc).

The search api is serviced by elasticsearch and can search on metadata, but can also do the full text searching of a robust search engine.

Using search to separate working from live content

Say, for example, we are making a news content application, and we want to have a body of published items, which is accessible to content consumers.

We can define a workflow with a Published state and a Publish action to put items in that state. They can then be served content by querying “all content in the Published state”.

This works fine, until we want to revise a bit of content that has been published. Maybe we would create a Revise action, which would send the content back to a Draft state - but the content is now no longer Published, and will no longer be viewable until the the content is re-published.

The search feature can be used to separate the source of data for the client from the content in that is “in progress”. If we define a search index published and add an AddToSearch hook to the Publish action, then the content will persist in the published index even if the source content transitions back to a draft or other state. If the consumers only read from the search index, they will not see the content disappear, but will see changes if it is “Re Published” later.

There are lots of possible permutations of this, but can be boiled down to this pattern:

Search versions and the canonical data

The data in content database (mongoDB) should be treated as the canonical data: all of the search indexes can be rebuilt from the content database.

The content contains a set of searchVersions which track which data (and which versions) have been put into a given search index, for example:

    "id": "b1b2f9da-dc60-4723-8fff-86f436854afb",
    "version": 7,
    "created": "2019-02-11T00:49:17.184+0000",
    "searchVersions": {
        "published": 5

The working version of this item is 7, but the published index contains version 5.

If the search index data was lost or corrupted, it can be rebuilt using the data in the content database.
